
By Wildwood

Making Tortillas

This couple has a very big and very popular Mexican take away restaurant in a tent. Next week I'll have to see if I can tell how they transport everything to the Farmers' Market. I don't know where they come from but they must have to start unloading and setting everything up at the crack of dawn. She makes every tortilla by hand to order. He makes all the fillings.  Having had my own fling with making tortillas this way I'm even more impressed. The last step on the lower right shows show easily she transfers the newly pressed tortilla to the hot comal behind her. There was a little  boy watching the whole process with fascination. The top of his blue hat can be seen in the bottom two pictures. Next time I think I'll order something to bring home for lunch. It all looks quite (and smells) mouth watering.

We did come home with romano beans,  lettuce, flowers, corn still in the husks, and an almost inedible gluten free cookie,  the size of your head. Our usual bakery lady wasn't there today and we didn't realize that the replacement made gluten free baked goods. I sipped watermelon agua fresca with a basil leaf in it as we strolled around in the sun.

I worked on my prototype for the Klee quilt which I hope I can turn into a wall hanging. where I will hang it is another story....

Even John, who loudly and repeatedly declared his disdain for Olympic break dancing, enjoyed watching the B-girls compete last night. Apparently he thinks that if he didn't play it in college, it isn't a sport. I was rooting for the 17 year old from Lithuania, but the girl from Japan won. Even if  you think break dancing isn't a sport it, requires extreme athleticism and they all seemed to be having fun.

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