
By airedaleknitter

Shrewsbury flower show

The Coldstream band always played at the Shrewsbury Flower Show. It always clashed with either Mr H’s birthday or our wedding anniversary.

When we were trying to decide how to mark our 40th we were laughing about the anniversary card he bought me for our first. When I opened it, it was a get well soon card - bought in haste between performances at the show. One thing led to another and we decided it would be great if we all met up and went to the show. Some thing for all of us (aged 82 down to nearly 10 months), but Debbie spotted a display of old flower show photos one of which included Mr H! Sadly Tim, her late husband wasn’t visible on it, but many of our other mutual friends were.

A lovely day, with great company and we bumped into Neville the Airedale.

The estate has a collection of old cars - this one has a very similar registration number to my old A35 - 8880HK - another reminder of our youth!

Back blipped for yesterday if you want to have a catch-up.

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