Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Mirror, Mirror...

I took this fairly early in the day when the light was moody.  There were at least a dozen hummingbirds zipping around the garden, chasing each other and generally being very cranky.  When they are engaged in chases and battles like this, their movements are very, very erratic and it is hard to keep them in the frame.  In fact, I had a hefty number of empty frames when I downloaded my images later - not surprising.  I like this image mostly because they two birds are really mirroring each other in their wing and tail postures, which makes it a fun shot.  Cropped and the primary bird lightened a touch.  Best viewed large.  And one more in Extra of a hummer coming in for a landing on a small branch.

Hubs went for a bike ride this morning while Jax and I spent time in the garden.  Then we put Jax in his crate and left to go to the State Fair for a while.  I had entered three images in the Fair's photo contest and got a Second Place and two Honorable Mentions.  It was nice to see my work displayed with all the other entries, but I had not so secretly hoped for a Blue ribbon this year - maybe next year.

Back at home this afternoon, I tended my monarch caterpillars (they are of a size now where they produce an alarming amount of frass) and tried not to let worry weigh me down.  It's a bit of a losing battle right now, but I am doing everything I know to keep myself moving forward.  And the caterpillars provide a level of zen that I really enjoy.  The big ones are positioning themselves now at the top of the containers, preparing to pupate into their chrysalis form.  

I'm making a simple and easy dinner tonight - sheet pan shrimp with mushrooms, asparagus and red onions.  It's delicious, quick and minimal fuss.  

Something dark on the menu, too.

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