
By JohnW

Saved by the bailers (and Ollie’s pliers)

Bailers are going around in twos these days.  Perhaps they are worried about civil unrest . . .
I had left blipping a bit late and was in the throws of settling for a quick still life of Ollies ‘shot pliers’ (story to follow below and see extras) when the bailers turned up.  They were expected as we were interrupted by the combine covering us with dust at eight o’clock last night, also see extras.
Now yesterday when I was setting up for some float fishing I needed some shot pliers.  What Ollie presented to me was a VERY rusty pair of pliers that had to be forced open, and shut again.  I found them in my pocket when I went to bed last night.  At the time Ollie was remonstrated  with about looking after his equipment, and also my old shot pliers had cutouts to make it easier to hold the shot steady when attaching it to the line . . .
After extensive oiling (WD40) and cleaning (wire wool) they are now back to prime condition.  What’s more they do have shot holding bits, see the spherical holes in the handle.  
After blipping in the wee small hours I slept through to half past nine, and would probably slept on for some time if Mrs W’s ‘take medicine’ reminder alarm had not gone off.  I did go shopping – fifteen minute detour as the police had shut the A15 between Morton and Bourne because of an accident.  Now to catch up on all the sleep I lost yesterday evening due to eating etc.

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