
By Inglemantwo

Dinham Bridge, Ludlow

I took Hollie to Dinham for a big.swim in the river Teme, and she had a great time.

One lady asked if it was alright for her two year old toddler to throw the ball for the dog. Of course I agreed. The little lad had an impressive throw and was delighted when Hollie caught the ball and brought it back. This game was repeated many times, both Hollie and the little lad were in their element. The lady thanked me, I thanked her and apologised for getting everybody wet. She didn't mind at all and everyone was happy.

Another lovely young woman asked if she could take some photos of Hollie as she had spaniels at home.

Hollie was the star of the show today.

Guess who didn't get any photos!

My blip was a hurriedly taken picture of the afternoon sun on Dinham Bridge, before rushing back up the steps of Whitcliffe Common in order to collect Mrs I from her shopping trip in the town.

Phew, busy but very pleasing day!

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