
By Teasel

Gin Logo

I had planned to work from home today, but there was a three line whip and I had to go into the office for an in person meeting.  Then because I was in, a colleague came in for another meeting this afternoon.  That did mean that I was able to have a good catch up with him prior to the meeting, as I had no idea what it was about.  It turned out not to be as bad as it could have been, but I was still glad to get it over with. 
I left early to catch a bus home as I had another Fringe By The Sea event in North Berwick this evening.  My bus was really late and I wasn’t sure I would get home in time, by which time I was thinking I should have just got a bus/train straight to North Berwick.  Anyway, I got home in time, quickly got changed and was then picked up and four of us went to a gin masterclass.  It was really good, but all over in 45 minutes.  We had a very interesting and entertaining talk about the gin, whilst enjoying a gin and tonic, then a talk about a cocktail, while we enjoyed a gimlet.  At the end there were some gimlets left over , and we just happened to be sitting in the right place at the right time, so we got another gimlet – three gins in 45 minutes is pretty good going.  We left happy, as the gin had definitely gone to our heads.
We headed down into North Berwick, where we had booked a table for food.  And just because we hadn’t had enough gin, we ordered another gin cocktail.  All in all it was a really lovely evening.  My friend’s husband came and picked us up – and listened to us talk rubbish all the way home.  Once home, I headed out for some steps as I didn’t have very many.  It also helped me work off the alcohol.  Who would have thought it was a school night?!
Alas, I didn’t take any blips today, so this is an emergency blip of the logo of the gin that we drank this evening.  I just happened to have an empty miniature bottle in the house.  I have kept it because I like the bottle.

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