The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

A is for Anne

Anne Creed created this garden many years ago on waste land. It has grown beautifully, and I sometimes sat there on my way back from town with a hot chocolate, during lockdown. Sadly Anne died in June this year. Her death was unexpected, and I hope someone will take on the care of the garden. 

I've had a most pleasant day. Apart from Indie the daft cat climbing out of the spare room window and eyeing up the roof , it's been easy. I did eventually tempt her back in with a toy. She is apt to get stuck in high places and need rescuing, and I really didn't want to have to call the Fire and Rescue service. 

Lunch at the Trinity Rooms, a visit to V's office, hanging out with S followed. S has passed his English exam! Hurrah! When he went in to college in Gloucester on Tuesday, the college was closed because the staff was expecting trouble, and he was warned not to go to the bus station. How alarming for him: he caught the bus on the street but he says he received dirty looks from and old woman whom he had to sit beside. He is quite frightened now. He says he also saw on TV a woman teaching her young child to shout racist slogans. He hadn't been out much since Tuesday. I hope he'll be ok. 

I'm cooking supper tonight. There will be mushrooms in the dish. Ever since Sunday's talk, I've been trying to incorporate more mushrooms into my diet. Just ordered a fabulous book, too, on the medicinal.uses of mushrooms. 

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