Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Speckled Wood

Of all the butterflies near to home (and there still aren't that many) the speckled woods are hugely in the majority.  They also seem to be good fresh specimens, unlike all else except the whites.  I have seen so many ragged, half-missing wings in the last few days it's really rather sad.  However, I blipped this lovely one down by the river this morning, rather feeling if I don't concentrate a bit on butterflies, they will all suddenly be gone.  There is a definite tinge of autumn in the early mornings - and in the berries and now rather tired leaves.  Well, I guess it has to be on the way, so no surprise there.

Thank you for your very kind comments, yes, I am feeling rather better today.  Hopefully another early night will see me right.  And you?  Hope things are also going well for all my lovely blipfriends.

Have a happy evening  xx

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