
By 58jc

Surely not?

I remember posting something similar last year......spotted on our quick visit to Hobbycraft.  No.1 and I were planning a visit to the specialist quilt shop but just as we were leaving she suggested googling to check they were open?  They were closed so we opted for Hobbycraft instead.  A quick browse then a call from OH to meet him in Wickes as he was buying materials to replace the soffit outside and couldn't get the lengths of stuff in his car?  He needs to be busy and doing something but was not in the best of moods today as it was challenging and going wrong but, as ever he persevered and finished it.  JC was driving up to London tonight in advance of session at Maggies tomorrow - he is suffering poor chap and we had a chat and tears today.  Difficult conversations and we both agree that it is so painful to see No.1 struggling the way she is?  Trying to keep positive that it is still the effects of the surgery but we are not sure?

We did some word finding exercises and some stretching exercises then decided to do a bit of sewing trying to finish off the baby quilt.  It wasn't easy but she persevered and we are on to the next stage.  I got dinner ready then it all went downhill again .............. so sad to witness.  Dinner abandoned (despite OH saying I had to eat - when I'm stressed and upset food is the last thing I want).  So hoping tomorrow is a better day ...........

Onwards and upwards.

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