David J. Rose

By djrose007

Tatty Union Flag

A quiet day today. The girls have gone with Aunty Johanna, Ruby and Eric to Slimbridge Wetlands and waterfowl trust. Johanna sent some photographs (Extra collage) of them posing on a plinth. It used to have a naked boy on top but it's been removed. Someone obviously objected to it, there's always something to object to about everything nowadays.
But, on the other hand, it made for a great opportunity for artistic interpretation of what might make a suitable replacement statue HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
And the tatty flag? you can probably see the threads flying in the wind. It's the Pyracanth hedge, when it gets a bit high the flag gets caught on the thorns which rip it to pieces. This is the third time a hole was ripped in it so when the wind catches it the 'Fly' edge of the flag goes up, and over, the flagpole. Then it is caught and cannot fly free.
This morning I lowered the flag, removed it and trimmed off the edge, which is where the ragged threads have come from.
I've ordered a couple more, one as a spare, and they should be with me in a few days.
This afternoon I also cut the offending, sticky-up, branches so when the new one comes it won't be caught by the thorns. Photo is after the cutting down, the tall ones are much further back and I can't reach them but they are no danger to the flags.

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