Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Another Lap Cat

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Caro was delighted to add Crashy to the household. This is because he is very cuddly and very hers. He needs cuddles and he needs them from her and only her.

Don't get me wrong. He loves me too. But he LOOOOOOOVES Caro.

DG cat, not so much. She is a little aloof and stand-offish. You can cuddle her, but she won't sit on you.

Until tonight!

A switch seems to have been flipped in DG's head. Or maybe it is feline jealousy. She saw Crashy on Caro's lap and now she wants in. 

So now Caro finds her lap the competing spot for the two cats. And she is delighted by this turn of events.

Crashy and DG seem pretty happy too.


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