A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Be Prepared

Its been a long time since I was a scout but sometimes I remember being prepared is useful.

Today I visited a very large agricultural shop in Northallerton where you can pick up a tea towel or a cattle restraining pen (crush). You can also indulge in a farmer's breakfast. 

The tea towels will come in useful, the breakfast was most enjoyable but I didn't need the cattle crush so gave that a miss. I did however buy a rather large plant support for when my huge red poppy starts growing again. Each year it produces more heads and often falls over under its own weight. This will help keep it upright longer.

For a bit of colour I have added the rudbeckia currently in flower in the same flower bed. 

I was not prepared for the flooding in my camper van this afternoon. I have been preparing it for a car rally coming up this weekend. Having filled the water tank I didn't realise a water pipe leading to the bathroom sink had come undone. With the water pump still on all the tank pumped dry, my bathroom wasn't... 

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