That Will Do!

By flumgummery


'Green' is part of this cottage's name and perfectly apt; in fact perhaps too apt as, when Mr Flum stayed there as a young boy, this was a view of Skiddaw. However, over the past seventy years the trees have grown and grown and now obscure the mountain completely. Even I remember seeing it around 50 years ago but gradually the view has reduced to a glimpse and to nothing but trees.

The benefit is that this mixed woodland is a habitat teeming with wildlife - we have seen jays, nuthatches, woodpeckers, finches and tits, wren, buzzards overhead, mice and squirrels (always reds but now the occasional and unwelcome grey) all thriving in this wilderness.

Note that, since the reported sighting of a grey, those feeders are now empty, to the disappointment of a blue tit and jay that came hoping for a snack. Greys are being drawn by Rangers to a controlled area to prevent transmission of the Pox virus that they carry but which is lethal to reds.

Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting WidWed, this week on the subject of Natural World.

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