He arrived eating a sandwich and 'driving' with one handed.
He abandoned it across 2 driveways and making it very difficult for somebody to use a third one on the other side.
When he finished his sarnie he got out, closed the door and walked away for about 20 minutes.
No idea where he went or what he did, but there was no work going on in the street.
We have been house sitting all day.
Officially it Monster Wrangling but as they didn't rise until late morning and went their separate ways and did their own thing with friends we were left to watch the Olympics.
The 'Umpires' at the sailing were up to their usual sub standard ..... line up - delay, line up, delay etc. 200m from the finish --- abandon the race (not enough wind despite everybody moving forward). Restart, have an umpire in a boat shadow the British sailor ... and penalise him every couple of minutes and have him do too circles - even penalised him for asking what he was being penalised for.
'Speed Climbing' ....... good grief! They are not joking with that title! 50' wall (with a 5 degree 'overhang') in a fraction over 6 seconds!!!!!!!
Skateboarding - I ask you...... a 51 year old competing against kids. He was older that the combined ages of the rest. Grow up and get a job man!
I took some pictures of the cats...... half a dozen shots of the idiots are HERE.
We got home late afternoon and SWMBO went straight to bed. The humidity and air pressure have got to her.
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