Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Nostalgic for the process

I don't expect anyone to look at this image. If you weren't trained as a graphic designer in the '60's, '70's or '80's you won't know what's going on.

Today I went to see an exhibition of Peter Kennard's work at the Whitechapel Gallery.

I first came across Kennard use of political photomontage when I was a graphic design student in 1980. At the time I thought he was just copying John Heartfield, but in fact every political photomontage artist has their era. Today it's Cold War Steve.

At any rate, in order to make political protest in our day we needed a Swann-Morten 10a scape blade and some spray mount.

(As a personal aside, in the first year of my design degree in Bristol I finally had access to a good book shop. I read 'A higher form of killing' by Jeremy Paxman. A book about the history of gas and germ warfare. I decided to do a design project about it but was told at the end of my first year, no one was interested.  Luckily there were some more enlightened tutors and I ended up with a first and eventually a job at The Times. Politics matters)

More pics from the exhibition 

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