Everyday Life

By Julez

Looking The Other Way

I have stood on the bridge in this photo and taken photos to Blip a couple of times so I thought I would stand  facing back the other way for a change today. I've gone a little OTT with editing too - I just felt like mucking about with all my photos! 

The extra shows a dumped barbers' chair down the High Street. If I was a handy person who knew what I was doing it would be an interesting thing to do an upcycle/revamp of. Maybe someone will - better than it ending up at the council tip!

It was lovely and bright first thing today so I put a wash-load on. By the time it was done the clouds had rolled in. Rain wasn't in the forecast (It said 4% chance - I'll take that...) and it was pretty breezy so I stuck it out on the line and it dried beautifully.

My neighbour knocked on the door earlier. A policeman relative of hers had tipped her off that Lincoln is on a list of potential rioting by far right muppets with the IQ of Minstrel's rat toy this evening. Not our area particularly, but a shopping centre where a human rights lawyer has a postal address (They don't even work from there.. ) is the target. These people are not interested in peaceful protest - they want to destroy! 

Our area is multicultural and it is quiet and peaceful. But our neighbour worries that they may target us because it is a multicultural area... I think we are far enough away from the main target to be OK.

Oh yeah... Wigan did really well in their "game in hand" against Leigh last night - a very good win, and looking more like their old selves again. We have another game against Leeds in four days - a very quick turnaround! We are going to that one, and will meet up with Grace too, seeing as she lives in Headingley.

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