
By Ridgeback13


We had a lie in with the word games and papers then I nipped over to get some morning rolls and we had them with bacon and mushrooms. Once K had packed we went for a walk to get some fresh air and exercise in before she was going to be sitting all afternoon on the train. Lovely to have more sunny weather again today, but after I dropped her at the station I came home and did some more domestic admin then read my book for a while…very low key relaxing day.
I met LE for a drink and chatted about her flat and options to buy, work and etc before we walked over to the Festival Theatre to see Carmen. Unusual production….almost bare set apart from curtains that recreated the company’s original Opéra-Comique theatre in Paris. The cast began in period costume, then changed to 1930’s style, then ended in modern dress (no idea why!). The singing, especially from Carmen and Don Jose, was fabulous and the orchestra full of verve and passion. Lots of different views on the production…some thought the bare set allowed you to focus on the singing, others found it disappointing when they’d come for grand opera.
Home and straight to bed….

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