simple moments

By simplemoments



on a

globe thistle

a very kind friend - took me on a little - trip across town so - i could have some time in - one of my very favorite - haunts from back in the day - when i could get around - on my own and was more independent - with regard to transportation - it’s a small demonstration garden - located near a downtown college - due to some lack of rain - it hasn’t flourished quite - as much as i was anticipating - but still it was fun - to be out and - any camera time truly - feeds my soul - being back at this - old haunt was very nurturing

i was intrigued with - this globe thistle - which also was inviting - to a plethora of bees - in spite of badly spasming eyes - i was able to capture - 3 lovely specimens sharing space - in a very pleasant fashion - with one another on the globe - proving that even tiny - insects can get along - and lay claim to…


happy day…..

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