Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Late in the day

I didn't pick up my camera until late in the afternoon. Fortunately, the hummingbirds were flying all over the garden and gave me some good shots.  With minimum effort, this was the pick of the day.

I have a dear friend who is going through an unimaginably horrible time right now and she has been very much on my mind all day.  There is nothing I can do other than be here if/when she needs support, which feels crummy.  Anyway, it has been hard to think about anything other than that today.

This morning I had my 3-month follow up with my rheumatologist and we agreed to increase my methotrexate dosage again.  Although my inflammation markers are low, I still have much more pain that I'd like and I still have to room to increase the dose so am going to give it a shot.  Now up to 8 pills, once a week.  Fortunately, I seem to be tolerating it well so there is room to try higher dosages.  While I was there, he also injected my left big toe joint.  It's been almost a year since I had this done and the toe has been quite painful lately so it was time.  And it was super fast and easy.  Last time I had it done, the injection hurt like hell, but this time it was nearly painless.  Deep breathing helped.

Don't ever forget to tell the people you love what they mean to you.  Life is short and can take turns that you never expect.


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