The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

New home for a snail

Today I popped out at lunchtime because I could not sit at my desk and work a moment longer, because my limbs were stiffening up, despite my relaxed attire of shorts and t-shirt. A woman stopped me in the street and asked me (a) where the charity shops were, and (b) where the shop selling dowsing rods was!
After I'd assured her she was too late for dowsing rod shops (by about 20 years) I remembered that there is in fact a wiccan shop, but I was too hot to run after her, and the shopmis out of town, anyway. 

V. Had seen me pause outside her office for this conversation, and she rang to invite me in. She said she'd been watching the Livestream of her grandfather's funeral in SA, and she felt sad. As we discussed this, I remembered that today is the 23rd anniversary of my aunt Jan's death. She emigrated to Canada from Scotland in the 1960s so we didn't see her too often, but she was everyone's favourite. Her character was larger than life, and her Canadian friends were amazing! I made it out to Toronto twice to see her, and I' m glad I did , though the second time she did not leave cardiac intensive care. She was only 54.

The going-back-to-work part of the day was made better by being at home, though of course K was still here. The garage got her van back on the road, and she left at about 4.30pm. I worked a bit later than usual to make up for lost time, and Clean Steve went and fetched g-f fish and chips for supper. It's a once a month special at our chippie. 

I'm pleased I popped out at lunchtime as I managed to.nisd the rest of the sunshine. The GPs have returned from their holidays and have been busy making extra-complex referrals to our team.

I've put the boxes containing camping stuff back in the spare room, and I have room to move again in my study. That's a huge relief. 

PS immgoing to start back blipping. It's going to take a while!)

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