The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


………………………..of three tomatoes on my plant, plus quite a few flowers still! I may just get a salad before summers out!

A mixed day…MC returned my car at lunchtime but I needed to run him home, someone reversed into me as I dropped him off. Thankfully not a lot of damage but having dropped by the body shop on the way home it’s probably going to cost £500 - £600 to put right…luckily the guy is going to pay.

An appointment with the clinician late this afternoon to go through the results from last weeks tests…all was well, much better than expected! My cholesterol has dropped from 6.9 to 5.5…I started taking plant sterols about 3 weeks before my tests were done and had drastically reduced the amount of processed food I eat, hopefully it’s still improving. My BP is very normal now and hasn’t gone up despite the reduction in medication so I’m hoping to reduce it further when I send my readings in again in a couple of weeks time. I’d be much happier not taking medication.

After a nice healthy tea, I’ve walked the prom this evening as it’s a lovely night…enjoying a cuppa and small bar of dark chocolate now!

Thanks to MaryElizaR  for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month…apologies for not using the theme.

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