
By LadyFindhorn

A Bonnie Day

I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve a day like today up here in Orkney. The Orcadians would pronounce it a ‘bonnie day’ but that not effusive enough. It’s a perfect summer’s day - light breeze, warm if not hot, blue skies and blue seas.
It’s the kind of day that makes sitting in the garden listening to the sea muttering over the wall and watching boats ply back and forth from the harbour the only occupation worthwhile. Tomorrow there is a forecast of rain so it’s best as they say to make hay while the sun shines. 
I understand this warm sunny weather has gripped the islands for about 3 weeks and the islanders so deserve it having had an extraordinarily cold June. I feel I deserve it too  having had much of the same misery down in Edinburgh.

Of course earlier after an amazing 20 minutes, maybe more, it’s hard to tell when you’re in a sea that feels almost warm, swimming with the Selkies,  I stravaiged into the town to attend to necessities if you call buying milk and tomatoes necessities. I spoke to Elaine in the wool shop and got a tip off as to where the best place was to get a coffee and a place to sit, albeit outside if not raining. I spoke to Wendy in the Cat Charity shop, I spoke to Zoe in her pop up jewellery shop, and I spoke to Heather as I beat her to the Birsay tomatoes in Flett’s.  I spoke to more folk this morning than I speak to in a week of shopping in Edinburgh.

Last but not least, while it’s unacceptable in my eyes to boast about one’s children, it’s absolutely OK to boast about one’s grandchildren. I had a phone call first thing from granddaughter Nina with her Nat 5 results - 8 As. What a trooper

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