My day

By 59

Tiny Tuesday Leaves

MaryElizaR has set the challenge of leaves. These are not off a tree but come from a tree. We walked to the library and I borrowed 3 chunky books on WW1. If I learn one thing from each book I will have trebled my knowledge. I never did history at school and wish I had the opportunity. I can make up for it now. 

For some reason I have my first ever cold sore. My lip is swollen and sore. Bob thinks it might be from stress, who would have known. It’s a wonder I haven’t suffered from them in the past as other family members get them. 

First up I cut Bob’s hair, then we walked to the library and chemist. This afternoon I did more gardening and Nina called in briefly. I have had no paracetamol all day and am feeling it now. Think I might succumb. 

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