
By trisharooni

Time for a cliché.

The Golden Gate was looking very lovely, shrouded in mist.
We'd intended visiting the Museum of California, but a quick change of plans as we discovered it's shut on Monday.
Swung by the Golden Gate Bridge and Fort Point. It was bitterly cold and windy, so after a hasty inspection of Fort Point, and a few photo ops, we left, but not before buying a souvenir sloppy joe to warm my icy limbs .
No sooner had I done this than the temperature rose 10'.
Never mind, I've got the t shirt to prove I was there:)
The extra was taken by a passer by, who saw the trouble we were having getting the angle we wanted.
He really looked like he knew what he was doing, but unfortunately, he cut off our feet and didn't isolate the bridge, but it's a nice memory:))

We drove to Muir Woods, but didn't have a reservation to park, so returned to Oakland. Never mind, it was an interesting drive.

Forget to say yesterday that there are some photos of the reception here, if interested.

A delicious pho and about to hit the sack.
A fun day.

I was notified about the special blip day, but completely forgot. (I always thought people lied when they said that)
I've just worked out that it's for eleven years worth of blips, but I've been around for nearly fourteen.
It comes hot on the heels of the 4000th, so please don't worry about the kind words and hearts.

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