
By conventgirl


Day 14of HeartFreeks Photo Challenge for July.

I get the greatest of pleasure growing my own food. Things definitely taste better when home grown ( tomatoes and strawberries from supermarkets are so tasteless!) I love tending plants until they are just ready and I hate it when some pest or disease attacks them.
It is always a hard decision whether to plant in the ground or in pots. Pots need more watering but plants inthe ground seem more prone to attack. In the past I have done the peas in the ground and not had very good results. This year they are in a big pot and seem to be doing very well. Lesson learned for next year!
I've got the joy of tomatoes, peppers, sweetcorn (as previously blipped),courgette, potatoes, onions, beetroot, beans and carrots to come over the next few months.

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