
So we got a quick coat of paint done first thing this morning then had time to nip into town. Roz was meeting Heather to have afternoon tea Heather had got through an internet deal. I took the chance to nip into town and get some photos. It turned out the mest ones were some of the first I took.

I used to cycle past this building every day on the way to work. Now it's just a shell and, while you can't actually get into the building, yo cn get into a position to get a good look inside.

After getting some photos here I headed into town for a coffee then wandered about taking shots. None of them as good as this though. BAsically I just wanted to enjoy the lovely weather some more. Turns out it's going to be similar for most of next week too, happy days!

Late afternoon saw a quick trip to Ikea then home to rebuild out bed and set up the new bedroom.

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