Everyday Life

By Julez

Mummy's Boy

Minstrel has hardly left my side/lap today, other than when he made himself scarce because I was plugging in the hoover. I took this photo of him sitting next to me on the sofa arm earlier. It looks like he has an earring because of the star lampshade in the hall. I've not Blipped him for a while and I thought people might forget we've got a cat!

We called the vet to get him some flea stuff, but they said that due to a new law we now have to take him in to get it. Travelling to the vets' is really stressful for him and for us too. He had his check up and innoculation only a couple of months ago, done by the vet on this occasion and nothing has changed since.

 It's not just the stress, they also want to charge us £56 for the appointment plus the cost of the flea protection. He's had the stuff before and it's in his notes already so I don't get why they have to see him, and other pets just for this if they already know it's ok for them, especially as they claim they're so busy!

I think we will make do with over the counter flea protection until his next check up is due.

I had a message from the GP surgery. They want me back to talk about lifestyle issues as my cholesterol is apparently slightly high. I could do with getting a bit fitter again, but I eat reasonably healthily most of the time these days, since I've been vegetarian anyway. And I am quite active. I'd definitely rather fix it by this method than take statins though.

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