
By fitzbilly

The Writing's On The Wall

Well most of it. Some of it is on Joe.

We've had a full-on day with the grandsons today.

It was raining this morning (not according the three weather apps I use, but it was) so we decided on a visit to the Corinium Museum. Daughter#1 didn't come as she was working from home so we were on our own. 

We managed the two boys OK (just) and really enjoyed it. Rory was talked into trying on a replica Roman helmet (it's a fake said Joe) and we played a quick game of Nine Men's Morris. I think I won but we weren't too sure of the rules.  Joe did a bit of dressing up.

It brightened up after lunch so we reverted to the original plan with a visit to The Cotswold Sculpture Park. That was enjoyable too, though extremely tiring. There are too many exhibits really, over 200, and we were trying to tick off every one on the list.

The drive home was extremely quiet with my three passengers fast asleep all the way.

One year ago:
The Tourist

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