Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

A garden of flowers

Another wet day from the start, but I wanted to get on titling my London pictures so it didn't bother me. I really enjoy writing up my London travels, using the pictures to track my route and Googling places that I wanted more information about. 

After lunch, however, it eased off so we forced ourselves to go out for a walk around the houses for a while. We passed this cottage where our neighbour lives - there's always plenty of colour there and tourists coming up to McCaig's Tower often stop to look, or take pictures.

By the time we got back the sun was trying to get out, so we pulled out the chairs, made cups of tea and sat outside for a while - it was pleasantly warm and I did a bit of reading. Then some plant pot feeding and back to my writing!

Quote of the Day: “To walk alone in London is the greatest rest.” – Virginia Woolf.

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