
By cate1

Homeward bound

This is not a mono picture, but shows how bad the weather was for our drive home, down through the Great Glen and Glencoe . The drive is more spectacular on the way south than on heading "up north" and stopped me from nodding off in the car as I often do on a long drive. 
We stopped for our picnic just south of Fort William as usual, but ate it in the car as it continued to rain.   
The extras show us approaching Glen Coe in the distance and then driving down into Tyndrum with the West Highland Way path at the foot of the hills on the left. We normally see walkers on the path, but it is either too dull to see them or they are staying out of the rain. In the past we would stop at the "Green Welly Shop"  for lunch, but it is now too busy and can add an hour on to the journey.  

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