Nature never ceases to amaze me ..
Pegged a load of washing after breakfast then an early session on the plot. I had to shorten the hazel sticks I coppiced in the spring to support the French beans that have recovered from the severe munching experienced backalong. Gosh were they tricky to cut with my secateurs, I managed to snap them against my knee as I could'nt cut right through. A bit higgledy piggledy but think they will do. I might need to reinforce later depending how tall they grow. The leek seedlings had come to a stop so I dug a shallow trench, teased them apart, then watered them in, I'm hoping they'll make some speedy growth before seperating out on the plot. I picked peas, pulled beetroot, left the broad beans to fill out a bit as we've got runner beans with todays roast. Misted the runner & French bean flowers. Released a tiny bird from one of the polt fruit cages. Watered all the crops, cut a box of lettuce then dropped them off to the Community Fridge. Posted a quick message on Spotted Chudleigh informing folks to wash thoroughly before use as I'm sure there would be some tiny slugs lurking in between the leaves of the Romaine.
Drove down to CK, made Mum's breakfast, walked Indie, then Olympic viewing before back to Chudleigh for roast lamb. I love runner beans with lamb & mint sauce. :-)
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