Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Defunct devices...

...for "communication" today...

The parcel at the back contains the BT hub and repeater that we have to send back now we have a new contract and new hub etc from EE.

We've ditched the landline completely, and the thumbnail is Roy's small 3G phone that he used to run with - 3G is now defunct too.

The BT recording box middle front stopped working some time ago, and the laptop back left is at least 14 years old - the battery now won't charge, and it is sooo slooow it's not worth hanging on to it.

These devices have been hanging round waiting to be dealt with for ages, and today is the day - they are now in a box heading for recycling!

My new little laptop is back right - happily doing its stuff...

Don't forget to post your mono blip for "communication" today, and tag it MM550!

I'll view all of the entries over the next couple of days, and award hearts for my favourites with my blip on Thursday ;) 

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