Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse


For those people in the UK still weighing themselves in stones, I'm offering a little tongue-in-cheek tease by weighing myself in pebbles this week!

After two weeks on a plateau (meaning stuck at the exact same weight), my Monday morning weigh-in showed a loss of 600 grams (the pebbles represented in the shape of a heart!)

Why did I make a heart shape today? Well, because I reached a healthy weight for my height which gives me a healthy BMI under 25!  So I'm definitely celebrating that!

I have just finished week 6, out of 12, and have reached my goal of getting into a healthy and normal BMI!

The Mediterranean diet/way of eating, is considered to be the healthiest for everybody! Have you tried it?  I can really recommend it. I feel lighter, have more energy, look better in my clothes and the food is fabulous, if you're a 'foodie' like me!  The recipes on the Fast800 site are delicious and extremely varied! I feel as if I'm eating in a restaurant, except I'm the cook!  

Most importantly, by being at a healthy BMI, we know that we are reducing the risk of serious health problems like: high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, strokes, osteoarthritis, cancer, sleep apnea, even depression.

If you would like to measure your BMI, I've found that this link works very well:
Good luck! It can be a wake-up call, like it was for me.

I'm happy and I know it, so I'm clapping my hands!

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