The Pensioner

By Pensioner

A day of two halves

Over to Pittenweem to their ever lovely Arts festival. And we dropped in here and there, and as ever, got some thoughts about gardens. Extravagant and unrealisable thoughts, probably. We were quite extravagant down at the ice-cream shop at the harbour though. Two scoops in a waffle cone! For each of us. M’lady had to watch out and not drip on her arty flowing robes with that one - though I needn’t have worried - she’s an old hand at scoffing mountains of food daintily. Otherwise, we’d kept our wallets in our pockets - till we came to the Behrens house. Oh dear, an item we wanted! With a red dot, damn. But he was open to a commission. Ah yes, I can now pronounce loftily (but in an off-hand manner) we commissioned a piece, that’s all. 
So that was all then.

But then news on the drive back. Jason, one of the boat club members, a popular guy, an ever present great guy, had suffered a heart attack heading out of the harbour on Phillip’s boat and couldn’t be resuscitated. An absolute shocker; by the time we were back Keil had got the flags down and Phillip had been given a lift home leaving his bike. Apparently the people who were there had formed a little guard of honour for the ambulance. He’d have liked that, at least. We stood and talked for quite a while. And later, what I found really hit me, I looked out from the bedroom window at his little boat that he was so proud of, sitting there at its mooring. 

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