campervan man

By campervan

Artistic day

To London for couple of meetings so Blipping time available
Southward Market was good for pictures but the spotted trees on the embankment won hands down. Even better than the Trafalgar square plinth. Visited and saw three Plinthers. One had an old large wooden camera that looked to take the glass plate pictures. He took pictures and I took pictures of him. Next I saw a man getting wet coz it was raining; him on the top of the plinth me doing the same at the bottom of the plinth. Third guy had placards that he did not display very well and he them addressed the crowd via a megaphone that did not work. So he spoke to us but e could not hear anything, apart from the man in the crowd who kept shouting Speak up.
Rained a lot
Back blipped Glastonbury

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