
By JanetMayes

Inside the rose

This rose is the palest creamy yellow, almost white; and when I moved around it to peep inside, I exclaimed aloud at the richness of the colour and the delicate solidity of those slender stamens. It was too windy for close up flower photography, and this is the best of a poor set, but I didn't manage to fit in a walk and wasn't feeling very inspired by my messy indoor spaces.

It's been a calm and pleasant Sunday. P made our Sunday buckwheat pancakes, then went for a walk; J wanted some quiet computer time, so I took the opportunity for a bit more sewing. The project has stalled while J's PAs have been away, so I was pleased to have time for the next couple of steps and reassured that, with the side seams sewn, I could be sure that the top really does slip over my head and accommodate my bulges. I also fitted in some potting and tidying outside, and later I helped J to continue the digital drawing we began while sitting in the shade at Kearsney Abbey last Monday. It's easier to see what we are doing indoors, and J enjoyed it.

There's more I want to record, and after a period of more or less keeping up with sharing my photos, I again have a week of back blips to fill in;  but I'm drifting to sleep at the keyboard, so I need to bring my day to a close.

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