
By earthdreamer

Tricks of the Trade

I'm not finding any time to do anything with my photography at the moment. Mega busy keeping lots of plates spinning. I'm just about coping. It's all good. It's how I thrive. 

Forrest wanted to go out for a few hours on the bike on another warm and proper summer's day, so I took him off in a new direction to do a circuit via North Rigton, Beckwithshaw, Fewston and Timble. I spend a lot of time sitting on his wheel now and have to employ every trick I can to wear him out, like sending him up the road on a steep climb and 'forgetting' to tell him we are turning off halfway along . At least that gave me a chance to stop and grab a photograph for the scrapbook. He's quite style-conscious is Forrest, thus the red shirt to match his red Colnago!

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