There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Under My Umbrella

It was a day that featured rain, and so I took my morning walk with my umbrella. I've mentioned that a sunny umbrella can perk up a cloudy/rainy day, and this one did, for sure! Here's my view from under the umbrella, as I head up Tow Hill.

I had my ear buds on, and music playing, but I could still hear the sound of a hawk crying in the trees above me. It went on, and on, and on. So when I got home, I looked it up. It says hawks scream at each other to communicate. So there may have been a second hawk somewhere that it was hollering to.

Also, I read this: summer is the time when young hawks are left alone by their parents, so that they may learn to hunt on their own, and the young ones cry incessantly for the parents to come back and feed them.

So those were my best possibilities: a hawk who is part of a pair, shouting at another hawk nearby; or a young hawk, unhappy to be left to capture its own breakfast!

I need a song that talks about umbrellas, and here's one: Bus Stop, by the Hollies.

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