
By soozsnapz

A day in London

I went up to spend the day, continuing to build bridges with my old and close friend, after we had a deep disagreement about Israel and Palestine.  More progress made, more of the old warmth coming back.  
Above is the lake in Finsbury Park.  I had to work hard to get to A’s house.  First, the Piccadilly line was cancelled, simply not running at all! So I was able to get to Finsbury Park tube and from there I would walk across the park. Except there was a big music event, and lots of the park was fenced off, it wasn’t easy to work out a route through. As ever, the lake and trees were fabulous - and it really wasn’t a hardship to have to take a meandering route. 
I was lucky because in the afternoon we also went along the New River (well - it was new in 1613!)  to Woodberry wetlands in Stoke Newington. Where we relaxed and watched birds and fish.  Delighted to see a gang of at least 20 swifts whizzing around and screaming. 
My extra is because I was pleased by the name of the train which brought me home, plus able to include some nice bits of Paddington station. I recently enjoyed the National Theatre’s Nye with Michael Sheen, so was instantly reminded of that. 
Whizzed home, a perfectly punctual comfortable train. Was surprised to find I was able to get a bus home from the station - of course First bus had cleverly planned diversions to avoid where the far right were bringing their unwanted violence to Bristol. 
Just as an aside my mum would have been 102 today. 

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