
By 1bluebell

heartfreeks challenge

What a busy day it has been.
7am at the church to start the smoker for lunch (beef)
home for an hour
9am back to start the set up for the BBQ and tables etc.
12 midday baptism.
12:30am served food
2:30 pm clear up
4pm down to the gym for a refreshing swim.
6pm back home to serve cheese and biscuits to some good froends who were witnessing our wills.

phew. relax and bed.

it was a very good day and such a joy to witness a young girl being baptised who had come to a faith in the LORD. delightinnature had a baptism at her church too

I meant to blip the amazing food we had but was too busy, then i meant to blip the cheese and biscuits tonight and forgot . so here are the remains.

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