My day

By 59


I don’t think the architects of the past had to worry about ugly powerpoles spoiling the view. I wonder what the architect of this place would think. This is the back view of our lovely courthouse taken from the park. The roses need pruning and behind me half the park is fenced off due to the bat colony that had decided to live there and damage the trees. The fern house was closed and so was the begonia house which was in winter hibernation. We have a lovely park in the middle of town but it wasn’t looking it’s best today. 

We went for our usual walk but the “dog” was out again. It chased us yesterday and growled at Bob later in the day. We turned around and went to the park instead, plus a visit to the post office to collect our mail. I received my photo licence and a cheque. I’ll have to work out how to deposit a check as it’s so long since I did that. First problem is where is the bank. It has moved since I last needed it. 

I tried to phone the dog catcher but seeing it is Sunday there was no answer. I might ring him tomorrow to say we are still having problems. The council takes loose dogs seriously but they need to have them out on the street to do anything at the time. I’ll keep trying. 

20 minutes in the garden. 

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