Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Demoiselle acrobatics

A super day here in Ludlow.  A leisurely morning at the house and then a stroll up the hill for lunch was followed by some Olympic action(obviously!) in the afternoon as Mum is as obsessed as I am! 

After sitting on the terrace adjoining the river watching the gymnastics on my tablet with Mum, I was aware of some fluttering in the corner of my eye. It turned out to be this pair of demoiselles doing some acrobatics of their own. 

Great news that Jake Jarman managed a bronze on the floor, but disappointed that Max wasn’t at his best and could only manage fourth. 

The evening was spent having a delicious meal to celebrate Mum’s birthday, prepared by Harry Bullock, the chef who is attached to the Dinham Weir House. He is absolutely amazing and the food and service was outstanding. 
Now we just need another excuse to come here again next year!  Better start saving :)) 

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