Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Out Of Use

We headed off to the graveyard with spades and wheelbarrows. We had a lot of digging to do!

We spent most of the day down at church among the yew trees. It seems that a grave digger years ago had slung excess soil and boulders underneath the yew trees. Someone had said this wasn't good for these ancient trees and, to add to that elder bushes were flourishing in this soft earth and would also harm the yews.

While the four men dug up and barrowed away this soil I spent time cutting the elder branches into Volvo-sized lengths.

We all went home for lunch, it had been tiring work for us elderly folk, the eldest of us was 80 After lunch The Man and I went back and loaded the Volvo with branches and took them to the tip. More to do another day.

It was on my last journey to the car that I noticed this unused door into the church tower.

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