Journal of Jackie

By Jackie18

Home again

We drove back home today. Rafi needed plenty of snacks on the journey to keep him going (or as he says to stop him passing out!) He began to get upset when we arrived at our home town and it took him a while to settle when he got home.
He sat at the table for lunch and said 'I want to go home'.
I think he knows deep down that he's at home but he'd still rather believe that there's a chance he might wake up and the last few months have been a dream.
As I write this he's tucked up in his own bed upstairs.Safe moving and handling went out of the window and he had a piggy back on his Dad's back (we made sure he wasn't going to fall) I will sleep on the floor with him tonight and his dad tomorrow.
It's great to be home together again.
My blip features Rafi and his good friends Will and Owen.

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