If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

? Hardy Holly Fern

A morning of hard labour.  The grave digger before the grave digger before last had a habit of dumping excess soil under the yew trees where it was "out of sight and out of mind".  Recently it had been drawn to the churches attention this was harming the trees.  So a small gang of us (4 men and 3 wheelbarrows) assembled to remove it.  A certain amount of jungle fighting was involved as Elder bushes had grown up in the loose soil.  By lunch time the job was done.  After lunch Clickychick and I did a "tip run" with the majority of the Elder branches.

By late afternoon I was looking for blip inspiration as I wandered the garden.While down in CC's woodland garden I idly turned over a fern leaf expecting to see the usual neat rows of sorus.  I was surprised to find this case of "measles" lurking under there.  I suppose it doesn't matter water pattern they are laid out in so long as they produce fertile spores.

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