Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Attila the Hummie

More male hummingbirds are coming through now and the fighting at the feeders has become intense.  There are at least 3 males, each guarding at least one feeder.  If another hummer tries to sneak in, one of the males flies in like a tiny fighter jet, chattering furiously and chasing with a vengeance.  All very entertaining to watch and also very fun to photograph.  I did not edit this other than a crop.  I personally like images that are a little dark and broody although this won't be to everyone's taste.

We've had a very challenging day at the house.  The temporary repair that we had done to the roof last weekend (which should have held for 6 months) failed today when we had an immense thunderstorm (complete with marble-sized hail).  And of course the roofing company is closed for the weekend.  But wait, there's more.  I just realized on my last trip upstairs that the AC has stopped working - apparently it got zapped somehow in the thunderstorm.   So now it is blowing out warm air and the temp in our bedroom is 75F and going up.  Thankfully the downstairs unit is still working.  We may end up sleeping in the living room downstairs tonight.  What next?  

When the hailstorm happened, Charlie disappeared under our bed and he's still not willing to come out, poor thing.  

Oh, and this morning I found a very tiny mouse in our upstairs sitting room!  Charlie was looking at it as if to say "can someone please do something about this?"  He's not a mouser.  I scooped the little rodent up in a jar and took it for a trip to the woods, but I'm concerned that he may have been one of a litter.  We've never had a mouse upstairs, only in the basement.  So more fun.  I think my Hubs is ready to check into a hotel!  

I sincerely hope that we don't have any more excitement today.


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