Billy Goat

By billygoat

The devil!!!!

5.30 this morning, blessed heron is back to try and complete the cull of all my goldfish. We lost three large white ones about 4 days ago, followed by one of the three red ones and yesterday a couple of our really lovely bronze carp.
I put the trail camera out and caught him in flagrante....
The pond is now netted but we have to peel it back during the day to allow the dragon flies and damsel flies to access it and lay their eggs.
Afterwards the army (2) of gardeners fell on the side border and removed six tubs of weeds and dead campanula. To be honest it looks better but not sure it was a good bargain considering how long it took.
Now I've dashed round with the mower and the overall effect is pretty good.
Shower and beer I reckon.......

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