
By NatureWatcher30

The Tagger.....

.....and Jack The Handyman loved it.

Every week in the summer season, young Robins would race around the gardens of their county, with the first to reach the last feeder the winner, winning its family a weeks worth of suet.

Jack's job, apart from acting as one of the Lookers in the race - keeping an eye on things at this particular station, was placing a tag on the feeder.

Hence the name, the Tagger, Jack was here responsible for making sure each feeder had its tags ready. A young Robin would come and bite it, then onto the next tag. Each tag would turn a brilliant yellow instantly from its original black colour, so keeping an accurate record of who had been.

Seeing the racing, and the tags turn colour was a joy to see, especially when the race organisers bought him a pint down the Robin Inn afterwards :-)

Take care all :-)

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