Snapshot family world

By Lightchaser12

Card games

Worked thos morning from 7 Am till 15u45 Pm. Was really tired as i came awake around 3.15 am soaking in sweat allthough my fan was on.but it was somehow relaxing on the workfloor as we have a new colleague. She was extra on the workfloor. We played card games ( UNO) with our elderly the last 45 minutes before my work shift ended. The lady on the photo didn' t want to participate and played her own solitary card game.
So yes here we are the point having posted 3650 pics. Wel there is always a little pressure to post a worhty one for that moment. It came at the last moment as it was almost 15U45 pm and i was relieved.Lol.
I started Bliphoto 27 nov 2011.i didn t take it that serious but tried to post every day something. If i look back , there are many i would delete.So there has been a gap of 2 years as i was fed up.I tried to delete the account and thought well it s gone. After 2 years i tried to make a new account but to my surprise the old one was still there , so i continued and slowly slowly i started taking it more seriously. The fact is , you can t produce a 5 star pic every day but tell something about the small things in life which you observe. So that s what i m trying to do, telling something visualwise from my own world.I enjoy also the other post of blip friends and many are remarkably good with some having prof quality. Sadly i can t look every day to the different posts otherwise i am busy for hours..But i try to apreciate in giving now and then stars or hearts. Honestly i appreciate it if you people give a heart or a like but i don t care if You don t.
So at final thanks for the interrest and hope my visual stories can touch now and then. That s what art stands for;

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