Foxy's Folio


Blip Teenager

Looks like I’ve finally become a teenager, with today’s blip marking 13 years of uninterrupted blipping. In the absence of Sophie, who normally features on my milestone blips but was on a plane to Greece this morning for their holiday, I commandeered the penultimate route marker on our Park Run course this morning to mark the occasion.

Tess, Chris and I jogged and walked our way gently round the course with none of us feeling 100% for one reason or another.

I’ve rather limped my way to this latest milestone too, having got behind with both blips and comments on a few occasions so many thanks to all of my blip friends who continue to visit regularly and encourage me to keep going with your kind comments.

Despite those days when inspiration and mojo are hard to find, I still can’t do without my daily dose of this fabulously friendly site. Many thanks to everyone who helps to keep it going.

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